Presentation time
10 minute presentations from each group laying out lessons learned and pathways for future(s) work
Sprint to the finish
Closing off the work for the conference, getting your final presentation ready
Scene Setting – Day 1 review and Day 2 goals
This session will review the work of the different groups from the previous day and draw various connections between that work to allow for better cross pollination.
Afternoon note
A short note of welcome back and some encouragement for the afternoon.
Lunch – Alone or Together
Lunches at this conference are up to the attendee. You can take the 90 minutes to cool down, to eat on your own or to attend to your email addiction. Sign up sheets will be available for people who wish to join a group for lunch at one of our excellent local restaurants.
Coffee and resorting
On day two we will still have coffee, but we need to dig and decide what our outcomes are going to be for each track. This amounts to a stand-up meeting at the start of the day. The Institute team will have some results from day one available and will encourage cross-pollination between tracks as …