The Initiative is planned as a year long discussion. It is designed to provide time for exploring new ideas, learning Futures Thinking practices, and applying these practices to think about what skills we need to confront the uncertainties of our times.

April 1, 2022Uwindsor Coop students begin futures activity 
April 28, 2022Speaker series 1: Presentation by UWindsor Co-op students discussing skills identified through their futures activity (link to recording and ebook)
June 16, 2022Speaker series 2: Why are we focused on uncertainty? with Kate Bowles
July 27th, 2022Speaker series 3:
August, 2022Speaker series 4:
September, 2022Speaker series 5:
October, 2022Speaker series 6:
OctoberOpen course on education futures begins.  Call for remote participants for the institute will be a part of the open course. We hope to both train and recruit participants through this process
November 2022Speaker series 7:
December 2022Speaker Series 8:
January 2023Speaker Series 9:
February 2023Speaker Series 10:
February 21-23Futures Institute held online and at the University of Windsor
March 2023Speaker Series 11:
April 2023Speaker Series 12:
April 30thDraft report on future skill
June 30thFirst report on future skills completed and released.
Initiative Schedule